Title: First High Power Rocket Build
Location: H³ Workshop 1
Date: August 2012
Description: LOC-IV PK-48 H³R1
Builder: Russell Hall
Project Mission H³R1(Rocket 1)
look what came in the mail
Had to make a guillotine rocket fin alignment jig.
Motor mount with 38mm Retainer
Mount Installed
Fin number one installed.
Fin Number two installed
Fin Three … Installed
rails installed
38mm Motor castings and two reload kits showed up 🙂
first layer of primer..
ready to go!!!
September 8, 2012 at SMASH in Muskegon, MI … Codename H³R1
Successful L1 Cert flight on a LOC-IV with a Cesaroni Pro38 H152 Blue Streak (2214ft)
And second successful flight with a Pro38 G78SS (1020ft)
More on Level 1 Cert Flight
Published @ August 9, 2012 6:33 pm